Thursday, January 17, 2019

Throwback Thursday Hand Tawsing

Hello spankos! I pulled this short hand tawsing out of the Naughty Abby archives last night so I could post it to Twitter for MC Customs, maker of fine leather tawses, straps, and paddles. This snippet is from "Please Not My Hands," starring Abby, Mr. W, and a heavy tawse we bought for Christmas in 2007 from MC Customs. This video is from spring 2008, happy #throwbackthursday!

Let me know if you like these throwbacks, I'd be happy to grab a few more short scenes from the archive to post here - spanking, caning, strapping - let me know what you'd like to see in the comments! You can also message me on Twitter @AbbyW2007, or email me at :-)

I'd also like to take this moment to encourage everyone to watch the Picnic at Hanging Rock miniseries on Amazon Prime, starring my beloved Natalie Dormer from The Tudors. (I'm not an Amazon affiliate, I just really enjoyed it and want everyone to check it out.) The series is luscious and dark, punishment and eroticism around every corner. A few weeks back, we enjoyed quite the sexually charged weekend watching it naked in bed. From a fetish standpoint, I would say this is for the schoolgirls crowd. However, it was also a beautifully told and gorgeously filmed piece of art and a compelling mystery.


  1. Fabulous! Not nearly enough hand strapping/tawsing material out there

    1. Thank you! So happy you enjoyed. This came back up in our play recently and your comment makes me think I may try to "whip up" some content with hand punishment soon. Thank you for commenting, it inspires me! :-) xo Abby

  2. Hand strapping was a major part of my formative years and led directly to my half-century long interest in CP. Many thanks for posting this


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