Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Inaugural Peek of the Week: Mrs. Aristotle

A photo of my lovely wife's shapely, well-stocked,
tightly-trousered bottom as she stands at the kitchen sink!
I spank her naughty, 50+ yr-old bare backside
regularly and frequently!! ~Aristotle

Welcome to The Little Red Schoolhouse's inaugural Peek of the Week! I am absolutely thrilled to present you with Aristotle's homage to his wife's beautifully denim-clad bottom. Thank you, Mrs. Aristotle, for being our first Peek! And thank you, Aristotle, for perfectly capturing the spirit of this endeavor! Love and beautiful backsides - that's what makes the world go 'round.

Submit your Peek of the Week photos to abby.schoolhouse@gmail.com with "Peek of the Week Submission" in the subject line. Review guidelines here.


  1. Mrs Aristotle's seat looks very neat to beat!

  2. Cute! Damn it Abby, ever since you mentioned this idea I've developed a new obsession with taking half-naked pictures of myself. Such naughtiness!

  3. I've definitely entertained the idea of taking pictures as well. We'll see if I'm up to it. ;)

  4. Jim - I do love your poetry. And I completely agree with you!

    Graham and Jane - Oh please please please do take pictures of yourselves, even if you don't end up sharing them. It's SO much fun. I have wasted entire afternoons trying on various pairs of panties and testing them out in front of the camera. It's oddly empowering, somehow a reclamation of the body I otherwise so willingly submit. Sharing those images is somehow both an act of humility and an act of pride. It's bowing my head and saying, "Well, this is me," while simultaneously joyfully shouting, "Hello, world! This is me!"


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