Sunday, January 1, 2023

Tarot Tarts #1: Serpieri Tarot

All artwork pictured in this post is from The Serpieri Tarot, copyright Lo Scarabeo

Happy New Year! December was a far more challenging month than anticipated. I meant to start blogging here again and I just wasn’t able to make it happen.

I’m excited to be starting the new year with a post featuring some of my favorite cards from my new Serpieri Tarot deck, published by Lo Scarabeo earlier this year. I have a growing collection of tarot and divination decks, some for personal use and some for the art. A small but growing number of these fall into the erotic category, and my Serpieri deck is no exception. 

This deck features artwork by and inspired by Paolo Eleuteri Serpieri, a graphic artist whose work often prominently displays the female bottom in glorious rounded and muscled form. I have long been a fan of his work and his erotic science fiction graphic novel series featuring the beloved buxom heroine Druuna, who appears throughout the deck as well. 

In my exploration of the deck, I found that many of the cards are in keeping with the Rider-Waite imagery that is most commonly used throughout the tarot world. Decks built from a pre-existing source often include artwork that is not in keeping with traditional imagery or card meaning, so when I found that the images and card meanings were in alignment, I realized that the artwork had been designed specifically for the deck. This is supported in the small manual included with the deck, in which Italian tarot deck publisher Lo Scarabeo explains, “In our interpretation, we took a step away from the original lore of the comics, and imbued the artwork with their own, standalone meanings - ones that fit with the Tarot cards they represent.” 

Here are some of my favorite cards from this deck. Picking my favorites was fun and sexy, so I’ll aim to do this with my other erotic decks as well!

I snuck a male butt in for fun.

Shopping Tip: The tarot world is experiencing a huge increase in forgeries and fakes. Only purchase decks from reputable sources. This deck is available from (I am in no way affiliated, I just love collecting tarot decks and Llewellyn has been a great source for decks and books for as long as I can remember.)



  1. Happy New Year, Abby! Somehow I liked the last card the most. The stare on her face is priceless!

    1. Hi Sore! This is Abby, I am having the darnedest time getting my own blog to recognize my Google account right now. I just added you to my blogroll! (I’m able to sign in to Blogger, just not able to comment as myself, so weird.) I loved your post on Inspection and am looking forward to reading more of your older posts. Thank you so much for saying hello (and thank you for saying it twice, since I had an unexpected gap between posts).

    2. It was cookies. Anyway, just wanted to say it was really me, and also I fixed the issue (and if anyone else has this issue, you have to de-select “prevent cross-site tracking” in your browser settings). Anyway, it’s great to meet you! ~Abby

    3. Hi Abby, thank you for adding me to your blogroll. I'm very honoured!
      My older posts are more serious and though through as they are all parts of the book I'm writing. I would recommend:
      It's time and Azotarme duro
      and from the later chapters:
      May I have another? and Paint it red

      I'm very curios to hear what you think!


  2. Happy New Year. Love the Tarot cards


    1. Happy New Year to you as well! I’m happy you liked the cards, I have a few more decks I think I’d like to share!

    2. I look forward to seeing them.


  3. The cards are quite unique and very beautiful. Thanks for sharing. I know nothing about tarot, so perhaps you might include some info the next rime you share some cards with us.


    1. Thank you Hermione! Yes, I would love to include more info! I ran out of time and really wanted to post on the 1st. I was originally going to describe the meaning of the card pictured and whether I thought the image was in keeping with the standard meaning or not. I also wasn’t sure if it would be interesting to anyone else. Next time!



Your comments mean so much to me. Say hi, share thoughts, opinions, or just your info - I'm happy to add your spanking blog to my blogroll.