Monday, November 12, 2018

Shapes of Things to Come

Hey world, just a note to say I'm possibly back but definitely better than ever! I took some time to work on my health and well-being. Check out the butt that comes with a little self love (and a whole lot of squats)! Took this photo last night and knew it was time to pop on here and say hi.

Also, check out what we found and Mr. W refinished. We're playing with this later...


  1. You're hard work has paid off as you have a very spankable bottom!Sounds lik Mr W intends to find out if you have 'buns of steel.

    1. Thank you! It turns out my buns were NOT made of steel. I will have to keep working at it. :-)

  2. Welcome back, Abby! Love your photos and glad things are looking up!

    1. Thank you Bonnie! I'm so happy to be feeling like myself.


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