Sometimes I post #sinfulsunday pics on my
Twitter. I didn't post one today, I did a naughty survey - more on that in just a moment - but since I should have been posting them on my blog all along, I thought I'd start getting my blog friends caught up. Here's a candid shot of my tush playing dress-up in my Moulin Rouge panties last month.
I spent too much time today playing with my new Photoshop Express app, but it's letting me make the neatest product photos for our paddles. I love graphic design but my skill level is amateur. This sounds like a product plug, but it's only a plug for our paddles! I'm just having fun with this app and if you have suddenly found yourself with some free time on your hands, it's a good one. I have also been known to add fun filters to pictures of my own butt. Again with the Twitter, but I posted this one just after getting the app a couple weeks ago. Many of you will be seeing this tomorrow morning, so these sentiments are for you!

You may recognize that photo of my butt from the pics I posted yesterday. That brings us back around to the
Joker paddle. Mr. W crafts these so beautifully for
Little Red Spanking. They're thin, but the two woods we offer this paddle in - Knotty Alder and Walnut - are heavy enough that the weight and density of the wood balances the depth. The smacks are bright and the burn is warm. Just the right length for OTK or any position you so desire.
I'm so proud of the work Mr. W is doing! And I'm pretty proud of these little product promos too!
We run a #freepaddlefriday promo whenever we can. In this time of crisis and homebound spankos, we are considering it more important than ever to get quality handmade implements into the hands of our fellow kinksters. Get yourself a Twitter account if you don't already have one, follow
@MrWilliamsTLRW, and retweet his #freepaddlefriday post for the week once it's live. He'll start a new one tomorrow, I'll post it here to remind you and let you know what we'll be giving away.
xoxo Abby